Suppose someone asks you the number of bits of data on a typical musical compact disc. In response, it is not generally expected that you would provide the exact number but rather an estimate, which may be expressed in scientific notation. The estimate may be made even more approximate by expressing it as an order of magnitude, which is a power of ten determined as follows:
1. Express the number in scientific notation, with the multiplier of the power of ten between 1 and 10 and a unit.
2. If the multiplier is less than 3.162 (the square root of 10), the order of magnitude of the number is the power of 10 in the scientific notation. If the multiplier is greater than 3.162, the order of magnitude is one larger than the power of 10 in the scientific notation.
We use the symbol , for “is on the order of.” Use the procedure above to verify the orders of magnitude for the following lengths:
0.008 6 m ~ 10-² m 0.002 1 m ~ 10-³ m 720 m ~ 10³ m
Usually, when an order-of-magnitude estimate is made, the results are reliable to within about a factor of 10. If a quantity increases in value by three orders of magnitude, its value increases by a factor of about 10³ = 1 000.
Inaccuracies caused by guessing too low for one number are often canceled by other guesses that are too high. You will find that with practice your guesstimates become better and better. Estimation problems can be fun to work because you freely drop digits, venture reasonable approximations for unknown numbers, make simplifying assumptions, and turn the question around into something you can answer in your head or with minimal mathematical manipulation on paper. Because of the simplicity of these types of calculations, they can be performed on a small scrap of paper and are often called “back-of-the-envelope calculations.”
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